USDA Prime Tenderloin (PSMO)

Code Description Size (lbs) Pc / Case
FLN70010 Flannery Tenderloin Prime 2pk 6.5 pounds 2
FLN70012 Flannery Tenderloin Prime 6pk 6.5 pounds 6

primal: wet age

Sizing: 6.5 pounds average

Holstein Breed: Sourced primarily from USDA Prime Holstein cattle within California and Arizona, and secondarily, Angus cattle from the Midwest. Due to the smaller size of the Holstein, the size we use is not always available in the quantities we need, so we sometime supplement with Angus. The tenderloin, also referred to as the PSMO is clearly the most tender cut of the beef, and probably the most popular as well. The bad news is that it’s also the most expensive, particularly if purchased as portion cuts. There is about a 60% weight loss from start to finish. The main redeeming reason to work with whole PSMO’s is that as a food service entity, you can monetize the trim at a higher value than that achieved by grinding for burger.


Age: No dry aging with this product currently. Honestly doesn’t need it, and wouldn’t justify the trim loss to do so.


Shelf Life: 10-12 Days in original packaging


Packaging: The Tenderloins will arrive individually vacuum packaged and are packed 2 per case. We are comfortable with up to 12 days of shelf life, though the primal can go longer under ideal circumstances (but that would require inspecting each package to be sure they are still extremely tight). This is especially important with large format items as there will be a higher fail rate than with smaller surfaced portions